Hype Horoscopes: March 2019
How to shop in March according to your zodiac sign with cosmic lifestyle guru Ruby Warrington.
The coming weeks kick off two major new cosmic cycles, as Uranus begins a seven year transit through the steadfast sign of Taurus, and minor planet Chrion takes up residence in Aries through April 2027. As a collective, we’ll be asked to explore what we value, while embracing opportunities to step outside any battles of the ego and heal ongoing conflicts. Meanwhile, Mercury’s retrograde transit through Pisces from March 5th-28th is an invitation to forgive and forget as we close out the astrological year.
Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)
The past several years have been the backdrop to a radical re-evaluation of your self-worth, and you’re emerging into a new phase where you’re far less likely to settle for second best. We close out the astrological year with the sun moving through your sign. Happy birthday! Gift yourself a new wallet in red, gold, or green, the colors of abundance, as a signal to the universe of all that you’re ready to receive.
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)
We’re completing a cycle where your confidence has been tested, as so much of what you thought made you “special” has been stripped away—but as a result you’re feeling more certain of the “real” you than ever. Use Mercury’s retrograde period in Pisces to bid a final farewell to any lingering needs for external validation, before donning a pair of celebrity-style shades with which to greet your glittering future.
Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)
Your world and the ways in which you make your mark are set for a revamp in the coming months and years, and you could find yourself trying on hats (literally, why not?) you never would have foretold. Minor planet Chiron’s move through the most mystical part of your chart also brings a chance to make peace with your past, a healing process that’s amplified when the sun moves into Aries on March 20.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
You have a reputation as the social butterfly of the zodiac, but it’s because the people in your life have a huge impact on your overall wellbeing. Chiron moving into the part of your chart ruling groups, where it will remain until 2027, will help you focus on connections that support and lift you up, as you join forces to imagine all that could be. Choose belts and wallets in rainbow shades to remind you of your vision.
Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 22)
We’re emerging from a cycle that has radicalized your ideas about the kind of career you’re striving for, helping you understand just how qualified you are as a result of your lived experiences. Moving forward, you find yourself in a position to think even bigger—while seeking ways in which your work can positively impact the collective. Invest in a quietly confident statement bag as you step it up to the next level.
Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 22)
Mercury’s upcoming retrograde cycle is inviting you into a vulnerable undoing of the charismatically confident persona you prefer to project. Whatever makes your heart beat faster is a clue to the area of your life where some bare, naked truths, are ripe to be revealed, and all that remains is for you to take the plunge. Take inspiration from snakeskin pieces, as you shed the tired old façade to reveal a brave and shiny new you.
Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22)
The past seven years have been the backdrop to something of a personal sexual revolution, as external circumstances have asked you to examine both your needs and your own desire nature. This internal process has expanded the aperture through which you see the world. As this trend extends to other areas of life, strap on a pair of hiking boots and step out of any self-imposed comfort zones in the name of your personal growth.
Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22)
As the most relationship-oriented of all the signs, Uranus shaking up your closest connections during its transit through Aries could have felt unsettling to say the least. But you’ve emerged in no doubt whatsoever about what you will and won’t stand for in partnerships. Now, Chiron moving into this part of your chart brings the balm of closure. Honor those you’ll be keeping close with friendships bracelets and talismans that celebrate your connection.
Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)
We’re entering a phase when you get to tidy up any lingering issues with your health and wellbeing. Whatever’s been stirred up in this area in recent months and years has been guiding you towards a way of life that helps you feel truly “well” on every level, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Invest in yoga and fitness accessories that reflect your newfound appreciation for your body temple.
Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)
You’ve been moving through a period of expansively fertile creativity, and now is the time to harness your grandest visions and apply them to your daily work. The coming years are set to bring unexpected opportunities in this realm. How would you most like to be spending your days? Focus your attention in this area with a new case or carrier for your phone and laptop and be primed to respond to invitations as they arise.
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)
Your emotional life is set to stabilize during the coming transit of Chiron through Aries, following a period of unexpected life events that have shaken your foundations. Be gentle with yourself, and take your time sifting through all that’s been brought to the surface. Bouts of nostalgia could spark unexpected joy. Spritz a silk or cashmere scarf with a favorite old perfume and swaddle yourself in sweet memories.
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
Mercury’s March retrograde cycle brings an opportunity to re-examine any lingering body-image issues and remind yourself of what makes you uniquely beautiful. Meanwhile, your notion of “family” is up for review as Uranus moves through Taurus, ushering in a seven-year cycle in which you may find opportunities to put down roots in unexpected places. Choose a new keyring as a daily reminder that home is where the heart is.
Written By Ruby Warrington