24 Hours With... Hatton Labs
This is a snapshot into the life of Hatton Labs’ Jack Cannon. Literally.

Why did you start making jewellery?
I started making jewellery originally as a hobby. I began with grills - not many people in London were making them at the time. I then started getting into designing more traditional pieces such as pendants and chains. I discovered there was a huge gap in the market for good quality contemporary-style jewellery in London, especially in silver. Everything was either too high street and generic, or too old and dated.
Where did Hatton Labs come from?
Hatton Gardens is in the heart of London and the leading jewellery district. I had always been working in and around the area and was influenced by its history and heritage. Having watched both my dad and grandad work in the trade, I naturally gravitated towards the jewellery business and became fascinated with design. Without having to study or get industry qualifications, I managed to use my knowledge and connections to facilitate all the manufacturing processes. With these foundations, my experience and my family connections I was able to start bringing my ideas to life.
What's the most exciting thing about your industry?
I think the use the of modern technology such as 3D design and printing, and cutting-edge laser machinery is really helping Hatton Labs make our mark. I wanted to take a traditional trade and apply a modern twist to it; produce something more industrial and contemporary than what was previously being designed by traditional methods.
What did you want to be when you were growing up?
Growing up I wanted to be just like my dad. He was a trader and distributor for everything from jewellery to kids clothing. I grew up on Roman Road, Bow, E3 on my mum and dad’s market stall, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of a busy London market.
How has your background influenced who you are today?
You had to hit the ground running in east London or you were never going to catch up, regardless of which walk of life you were in. Now my background allows me to fit in anywhere I go and be savvy enough to handle myself.

How would you describe your work?
Industrial, contemporary, UK-centric and self-aware. We aren’t trying to be one particular thing to one particular person. We want to support, promote and work with anything new and modern. We don’t get caught up in the red tape of traditional jewellery. We want to be accessible as well as desirable.
Who do you consider to be the true creatives in the world?
The kids. The ones who are pushing things forward and making anything possible for the next generation. The ones who are just great and unknowingly creating something special. I did it for my youngers, so I love to see history repeating itself.
Your favourite place and why?
Devon’s Road Estate, Bow, E3. My nan lived there, and we would spend every weekend with her. It’s the birthplace of grime and some of the UK’s leading creatives, such as Wiley and Dizzee Rascal. It reminds me of everything I love, and you can see the whole of east London from the top of Victoria Walk.
How do you spend your free time?
Either with friends sharing time and ideas, or working on developing my brand. Once you love and become inspired by what you do, it all starts to blend into one.
What's your greatest ambition?
Number one is to retire my mum and dad and just continue to be able to work on something I love every day. Contentment.
Who do you most admire and why?
My peers and friends. We’ve all created our own lanes and no one works a traditional 9 to 5.
What would you like to do that you currently can’t?
Buy a dog, an AP Royal Oak Double Balance Skeleton watch and tattoo my face. In that order.

If you could ask anyone a question (living or dead), who would you ask, and what would you ask?
I’d love to have a conversation with Ralph Lauren and ask about his legacy and what he really thinks of the fashion world.
Who is someone (living or dead) that you would like to meet?
Nigo. I’d love a tour of his house.
The best advice you've ever been given?
Ask for it. Closed mouths don’t get fed.
Describe yourself in 3 words...
First thing you do when you wake up?
Turn music up loud.
Last thing you do before bed?
Stress about the next day.
What are you reading right now?
Tags on the walls and doorways on the way to work.
Do you have any phobias?
Dying broke.
How would you describe your generation in 5 words?
If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?
Right here. In Hatton Gardens, in the rain. This is where I’m meant to be. We from London - grey is our blue.